what if you had everything you need to train for an ultra in one place?

The only program With everything you need to learn as you train for an ultra in one place without paying for a full time coach!

relentless training program

What if I told you could learn as you train and not have to piece your training program together on your own? You will have access to your workouts including your mileage, strength training, mobility, and videos on everything from race nutrition to race prep! Each workout will have videos demonstrating how to do each exercise. With this program you’ll be a well-rounded runner, ready to complete your ultra with strength and confidence.

Be the runner that lines up at the starting line knowing you're ready to conquer whatever race day brings!

Is this you?

Imagine if….

Ready to take the guess work out of your training?

Meet your coach!

Meredith Taylor – UESCA Certified Running & Ultrarunning Coach

If you’re like me, you want the best bang for your buck when it comes to your training. You don’t have time to research every aspect of training for an ultra.

You want a program you can trust. You’re busy with LIFE and you need a program & race planning guidance with everything in one place. So all you have to do is train. You also aren’t quite ready to invest in a full time coach. 

The last thing you need is to arrive at race day feeling anxious and unsure. THIS is where you get to ENJOY your training and not have to figure it all out for yourself!

This is why I created the Relentless Training Program. It’s for the runner who wants to have everything they need to train for an ultra in one place without having to spend hours on Google searching for answers. 

What's included?

Relentless Training App

Here you’ll find your entire 24 week training program. You will have workouts for 5-6 days per week including your mileage, strength training, mobility, pre-run warmup, post-run stretches, & optional cross training. You will receive your training program 4 weeks at a time leading up to race day. You’ll have access to a community group and other resources within the app. You will receive a brand new training program every 4 weeks, over the course of 24 weeks until you reach race day. This includes proper recovery weeks and rest days.

With the Relentless Training Program, you will get access to your own training portal which you can now access via the Relentless Training App on both iOS & Android. You’ll join me, your virtual coach, as we train & prepare for your next race!

Progressive Training

Your program will gradually progress as we get closer to race day. You’ll find increased aerobic capacity, increased strength, & improved mobility.

Email Breakdowns

Monthly emails from me, breaking down your upcoming training month. Including inspiration & helpful tips.


You’ll receive running workouts based on your race distance.


Three strength training workouts per week with video demonstrations for each movement.

Cross Training

Options for cross-training

Coaching videos

You’ll have access to coaching videos that will go over everything from fueling for your training runs, what gear you might need, race planning, mental prep, to taper!

Training Resources

PDFs of your monthly workout overview printouts, your race planning workbook, nutrition fueling, my personal ultra checklist & ultra packing list. 

How it works

What they say....

I love coaching from Relentless Pursuit Endurance! Meredith is encouraging and communicative, checking in on my progress throughout the week. The workouts are tough, but seeing them in the app every day helps keep on track, and I appreciate having access to video tutorials. I have been a runner for many years and having a coach has helped keep me accountable to my training schedule to meet my goals. I also appreciate that since I can see my schedule a couple of weeks out I am able to easily move things around to accommodate my schedule. Thank you so much, Meredith and Relentless Pursuit Endurance!

Ready to take the guess work out of your training?

Relentless Training Programs

Everything you need to train for a 50k, 50 mile, 100k, or 100 mile race!

100K Training Program

Coming Soon!

100 Mile Training Program

Coming SooN!


You will need two sets of dumbbells – one fairly light, and one heavier.  You will also need mini bands for strengthening your accessory muscles that, as runners, you use frequently. 

This program looks at the runner as a whole.  Which involves strength training is a major piece of that puzzle. I want you to be able to run for years to come, not just complete one race and be done. To get the maximum results from this program, you will need to perform all workouts as directed.

For the 50K training program, it is assumed that you are already running on a consistent basis for 6-8 weeks before beginning this program for the 50K program. You should have a base endurance of approximately 20 miles per week and long run of at least 10-12 miles.

This is entirely dependent on your goal – whether you’re using the 50K program or the 100 miler program. In general, weekly workouts are 45-75 min. This may increase or decrease depending on your program and where you’re at in your training cycle.

For the 50K program, your longest run will consist of 26 miles.

For the 50 miler program, your longest run will be a 50K, 3 weeks out from race day.


Just as my coaching philosophy includes strength training, it also includes cross training. I am not of the mindset that you need to “run all the miles” to complete an ultra. Supplementing your program with cross training allows you to have gains in your aerobic engine while avoiding negatively impacting your running musculoskeletal system. This will protect you from injury and help you to avoid burnout.

Depending on the training plan this may vary.

The 50K training plan is 24 weeks, 6 months. You will need to ensure you already have a base endurance of approximately 20 miles per week and long run of 10 miles.

Yes, I understand that life happens – injuries, family stuff, whatever. As with the nature of ultras, signup for races is usually far ahead in the future. A lot can change between sign up and the actual race. Just send me an email and we will cancel your training plan.

Get your free guide to fueling for ultras!